Financial Aid FAQs

How can I tell if I received a Pell Grant?
Visit and log into your account and view your Aid Summary page

How do I accept my award letter?
To access your online award letter

  • Go to Self-Service
  • Log in with your username and password.
  • Click Financial Aid.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select the financial aid year
  • Click Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package

Who is my loan servicer?
你的贷款服务商是处理你的贷款账单的公司, and to which you will repay your loans and establish a payment plan. Go to to find out your loan servicer. Once logged in, click Manage Loans, then View My Account, 最后在贷款细分部分单击查看贷款详细信息.

How do I find out the total loan amount I have borrowed?
To view your federal borrowing history, go to 使用您的FSA ID登录后,单击“管理贷款”,然后单击“查看帐户”. 在借款历史页面上,滚动到贷款细分部分并单击查看贷款详细信息.

How do I qualify for scholarships if I am a new student?

How do I renew my scholarships?
•如果您达到特定奖学金所要求的更新累积GPA,您的奖学金将被续签. 你的累积GPA只会在每年春季学期结束时被审核.

How do I reduce my financial aid award?
You can make adjustments to your financial aid award through Self-Service Financial Aid.

From there, access the My Awards menu item, 你可以在哪里接受/拒绝你的奖励和/或其中的特定项目, as well as make any adjustments as needed to reduce your award, which will be submitted for review by the Financial Aid team.

如果您需要提交父母贷款或替代贷款的调整,您将需要填写调整援助表格, 你可以在“自助经济援助”主页的“资源”下找到相关链接. Complete and send the form to the Solution Squad via email or fax to (314) 529-9925.

How do I start the financial aid process?
File your FAFSA at

  • When complete, 亚洲体育博彩平台的经济援助专家将确定你有资格获得的资助类型,并在你的奖励信创建后通知你.
  • You will be notified via your Maryville email account.
  • FAFSA processing time may vary dependent on the time of year.

What are helpful financial aid websites?

How do I complete the financial aid process?
Choose accept or reject on your award letter. Viewing your award letter is not accepting your award letter.



  • 您将需要完成主本票和入学贷款咨询在
  • 如果你正在申请研究生加贷款,你还必须完成加贷款入学咨询

If you are a graduate student, who has borrowed federal loans before, 接受了你的助学贷款,但从未申请过研究生助学贷款

  • 你必须完成一份贷款申请和贷款入学咨询


  • 你需要完成亚洲体育博彩平台的本票硕士课程


  • 你已经完成了亚洲体育博彩平台的主本票. 如果你继续为你在亚洲体育博彩平台的教育贷款的话, your original Master Promissory note will be valid for 10 years.


How does the financial aid refund process work?
每个学期的助学金退款流程在第二周结束时开始, 符合条件的学生在第三周和第四周收到资金. Refunds are issued weekly thereafter.


What if I didn’t file taxes?
A non-tax filer form will need to be completed.

  • 学生或家长可以从美国国税局网站上获得非纳税申报人表格
  • Complete the non-tax filer form.
  • Send the form to the Solution Squad at or fax the form to (314) 529-9925.

Why didn’t you use my refund to cover my previous term balance?
根据法律规定,亚洲体育博彩平台只能在获得资助的那个学期使用经济援助资金. 亚洲体育博彩平台不允许在任何其他学期使用这些资金.

When will I receive my refund?
Refunds are processed after a course starts. 联邦法律禁止亚洲体育博彩平台在学生开始上课之前从学生那里收取资金. Even though a student may have a refund indicated on their account, Maryville的经济援助部门仍然需要确保学生的经济援助能够支付学生的学费. The process can take two weeks.

Why am I receiving two separate refunds in one semester?
Refunds are processed after a course starts. 联邦法律禁止亚洲体育博彩平台在学生开始上课之前从学生那里收取资金. If a student has a refund for Fall A and Fall B classes, then the student will receive two separate refunds. 秋季A课程的退款将在秋季A课程开始后两周左右发放. B级课程的退款将在B级课程开始后两周左右发放.

How does the One Fee affect my VA benefits?
VA将支付一次性费用,只要学生不选择退出一次性费用中的图书覆盖范围,VA仍将发放图书津贴. 为了让退伍军人事务部的学生从亚洲体育博彩平台拿到他们的书, they have to accept the One Fee. If a VA student opts out of the book coverage in the One Fee, 那么退伍军人事务部将减少100美元的图书津贴,该学生将无法从亚洲体育博彩平台获得书籍.

How does my VA benefit refund get processed?
使用VA福利的学生的信用余额必须首先由解决方案小组审查. Once reviewed, 解决方案小组将决定是否将VA学生退款给学生或VA.

学生需要亲自向位于甘德馆游客中心的解决方案小组出示其公民身份文件的验证. Naturalization papers with a photo ID or a passport is needed.

如果学生不能亲自提供公民证件的核实, then contact the Solution Squad at (314) 529-9360. 他们会提供给你学生需要填写的表格,然后进行公证. 入籍文件的复印件和带照片的身份证也必须经过公证. 经公证的表格、入籍文件和带照片的身份证复印件应邮寄给解决小组, Gander Hall, 650 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis, MO. 63141.